16 Fruits That Start With J From Different Parts Of The world

Like me, if the fruits from various regions fascinate you then this is for you. Here is a list of 16 fruits that start with j from different parts of the world you would love to learn about.

Next time while sitting in your room when you shall eat one of them, you would know from where it came from. Read and find out!


 1.  Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a tropical lowland fruits are known for being the largest tree-borne fruits. These fruits are a cluster of multiple fruits from thousands of individual flowers. These fruits bloom from December to March. They turn to adapt to yellow color as they rip from yellowish-green hue. Their hard gummy shell is filled with nodules over them. The flesh has a fibrous whitish core with many seeds having a thin waxy coat over them. These fruits and their seeds are used in various cuisines.

 2. Jatoba Fruit

fruits that start with j

Locust fruits as they are also known, are from the largest tree in the Caribbean. These fruits belong to the summer season. The pod is covered by a hard shell and releases a strong unbearable odor when broken. The flesh has a powdery texture and is cream in color having 3-6 seeds. These fruits are dense and try with a flavor sweet as sugar. They are cooked in multiple dishes. 

 3. Junglesop Fruit

These are native to Africa and carry a unique taste to them making them highly in demand. Inside their leathery bound rind is a soft pulp having a yellow-orange tint. The taste of these fruits varies depending on their type and some are even found tasteless. A rich source of vitamin A, these fruits are used as various dishes in different countries.

 4. Jamun/Jambul

This evergreen tree is native to Asian countries. The flowers bloom from March-April followed by large berries like fruits in May and June. These oblong and ovoid berries are green. They gradually change to shiny crimson black fruits with maturity. These fruits are sweet with a slight hint of spiciness and turn the tongue purple when eaten.  They are usually eaten raw or made into fruit salads. 

 5. Juniper Berry Fruit

These evergreen shrubs bear fruits that are fleshy and has a cover surrounding them like pine cone. They turn to deep blue or purple-black color from green, as they are ripe. They have a woody and spicy aroma to them. These berries have a tart flavor with vitamin C. Juniper berries are used as spice and flavoring ingredients.

6.  Jocote Fruit

These fruits are of deciduous trees grown in warm tropical climates. The tiny red flowers precede the fruits that grow alone or in clusters. These oddly shaped elongated fruits turn purple or red as they ripen. They have an edible skin that is thin and of a waxy texture with a sweet yellow pulp. The center of this fruit is stone. These fruits taste like plums with sweetness and acidity. They are also a great source of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. Jacote fruits are eaten raw or made into pickles and sauce.

 7. Jostaberry Fruit

These purple berries are a part of bushes having no thorns. They form in small clusters and looks like gooseberries, having green color when raw. Once they have ripened, they turn violet-black. These mid-summer fruits offer a tangy-sweetness like gooseberries added with a flavor of black currant and grapes. They are eaten fresh or added into jams and chutneys.

 8. Jaboticaba Fruit

fruits that start with j

This exotic fruit filled with nutrients is also called Brazilian grapes. These fruits are a part of evergreen tropical shrubs that has hard skin with four big seeds in the middle. Their pulp is sweet and soft. Their colors are shiny dark purple and black. These berries are either eaten raw or made into jelly.

 9. Jujube Fruit

These native South Asian fruits are also called red or Chinese dates. These fruits are small in size having a round shape and a seed containing a pit. As they are ripened, they become a little wrinkled having dark red or purple color. These are sweet to taste with a chewy texture. Jujube fruits are dried and used in desserts or candies.

10. Jelly Palm Fruit

These slow-growing trees are known to be as one of the most stronger feather palms. The fruits resemble the size of a cherry. The texture of the flesh is fibrous with a thin golden yellow skin. These fruits are sweet and tart having multiple and unique taste mixes of pineapple, vanilla and apricot. Between the flesh is a single big black seed having a juicy and soft texture. Jelly palm fruits are enjoyed fresh

11. Japanese Persimmon Fruit

This national fruit of Japan are from September-December. These yellow fruits are spherical in shape or like the pumpkins, sometimes having a medium-size or like grapes. They are filled with vitamins and minerals. Astringent persimmons are eaten ripe while the non-astringent ones are eaten when they are still unripe. These fruits can be eaten directly but they also make a great salad or are cooked with different recipes. 

12. Japanese Plum

These plants have their origin in central China and have a great ornamental value too. These fruits are firm have a smooth skin and turn dusky yellow once they are ripe. These fruits are sweet in taste and the flesh has a succulent and flavorful light texture. These fruits are very popular and are eaten straight or used as toppings on desserts.

13. Juicy tomatoes or Jitomate

In southern Mexico, these fruits are known as jitomate. These fruits are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K with other nutrients, are cooked as vegetables. Amongst the many varieties, the most common one is red, upon being mature. They have a sweet and a little acidic taste to them. The diverse quality of this fruit makes it one of the most important ingredients around the world. They are eaten raw, made into salads, juice, puree and are included in most cuisines.

14. Jazz Apple

These apples have round bodies with red color often having splashed of green, orange and yellow. These fruits have a dense texture which is creamy yellow and crisp. They are juicy having low acid sweet-tart taste with a hint of pear. These fruits taste great when baked, eaten raw or added to different cuisines.

15. Johannisberre

This is a German word for blackcurrant fruits belonging to the deciduous shrub. During midsummer, these green berries ripen to dark purple or black. Each berry has many seeds. These fruits are a rich source of vitamin C and have a strong tart flavor and acidity. They are eaten directly and also made into jelly.

16. Jamaican Fruit

This national fruit of Jamaica is a delicacy and packed with nutrients. They are also known as ackee. These trees are found in tropical and sub-tropical climates bearing fruits only twice a year. The shape of this fruit is like a capsule and turns to yellow from green as they ripen. Their flesh is edible and is yellow having a creamy and buttery texture containing black toxic seeds. They have a neutral taste resemble nuts. These fruits are a rich source of vitamin C and nutrition. 

A traditional saying that goes around that ackee must be used only it has smiled, meaning ripened. The seeds carry toxic hence it is advised to throw the seeds and red membrane and to boil the fruit well. This fruit is used in the traditional dishes of Jamaica and is also used in various cuisines around the world.

Kelly Anne

Kelly Anne

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